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Found 7442 results for any of the keywords on html5. Time 0.007 seconds.
The Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License | HTML5 UPGeneral info on the license used for the website templates on HTML5 UP
HTML5 Game Devs Forum - HTML5GameDevs.comBiggest Community of developers and publishers on HTML5 Game Devs and GameMonetize. We re a place where coders share ideas. Join our Developer community!
HTML5 Doctor, helping you implement HTML5 todayWhat a brilliant idea! For the longest time HTML5 specified, and advised developers, that it no longer mattered what the number (1 to 6) was in a heading element (when used in conjunction with sectioning elements). What
Element Index | HTML5 DoctorThis is a quick reference of elements that are new or have been redefined in HTML5. For each element there is a short description, a link to the specification, and a code example. “Our prognosis” links to the HTML5 Docto
Best HTML5 Training in Chennai | HTML5 Training Institutes in ChennaiHTML5 Training in Chennai. Learn HTML5 CSS3 Training in Chennai at FITA – No 1 HTML5 Training Institute in Chennai. Call 93450 45466 for more details.
Article Archive | HTML5 DoctorA complete list of all our posts grouped accordingly in order to get you started with HTML5 or to help you understand the specification and specific elements a little more.
HTML5 Doctor Resources | HTML5 DoctorResources to help you get up to speed and produce great HTML5.
What is HTML5? - IONOS UKWhat is HTML5? And how does the new web standard differ from its predecessor, HTML 4.01? We’ve broken down some of the newest HTML5 features for you.
Introduction to HTML5 - IONOSWhat is HTML5? And how does the new web standard differ from its predecessor, HTML 4.01? We’ve broken down some of the newest HTML5 features for you.
Steve Faulkner | HTML5 DoctorAn Australian living in London, works for The Paciello Group, a well-known web accessibility consultancy, and is a co-editor of the HTML5 spec at W3C
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